Here to relieve some of that endless worrying is a new series of posts called Query Questions. I'll ask the questions which prey on every writer's mind, and hopefully take some of the pain out of querying. These are questions that I've seen tossed around on twitter and writing sites like Agent Query Connect. They are the type of questions that you need answers for the real expert--agents!
If you have your own specific query question, please leave it in the comments and it might show up in future editions of Query Questions as I plan to rotate the questions.
So glad to have Stacey Donaghy of the Donaghy Literary Group! Stacey was recommended by a request on twitter. If you have a favorite agent you want interviewed, hit me up on twitter.
Is there a better or worse time of
year to query?
It really depends on
the agency and what their submission guideline page indicates. Often agents
will close to queries during holidays, such as Christmas. It is important
to pay attention to the details on the agency site.
Does one typo or misplaced comma
shoot down the entire query?
Not at all! I would prefer error free but would never
turn a writer away because of a typo. If the entire query is filled with SPAG I
would be concerned about the state of the manuscript.
Do you look at sample pages
without fail or only if the query is strong?
It really depends on
the story being presented and whether or not the overall premise appeals to me
as an agent. If I love the story concept but the query is not strong, I
will read through the sample pages to get a better sense of the writing.
Do you have an assistant or intern
go through your queries first or do you check all of them?
I currently review all
queries sent to me. This could change at some point, but for now I prefer to
review on my own. So please be patient if you have queried me.
If the manuscript has a prologue,
do you want it included with the sample pages?
The short answer is
yes. The longer answer is that many writers use prologues when they are
not necessary. Something that you may want to consider is- whether your
story really needs a prologue before submitting your work.
Some agencies mention querying
only one agent at a time and some say query only one agent period. How often do
you pass a query along to a fellow agent who might be more interested?
I will always pass a
query or manuscript to another agent if it does not fit my list. I
recently shared a manuscript with a colleague at another agency because it was
outside of my genre list but an excellent read, and I knew it would fit her
Do you prefer a little
personalized chit-chat in a query letter, or would you rather hear about the
There is nothing wrong
with being personable when querying an agent. That said I really want to hear
about the manuscript!
Most agents have said they don’t
care whether the word count/genre sentence comes first or last. But is it a red
flag if one component is not included?
It is not a ''red
flag" it is more of a need to know. Genre and word count are very
important to include. You could have a really interesting YA but your word
count could be way above what’s acceptable for this category. This could
indicate that your manuscript is not yet ready to submit, and may require a
great deal of editing to get it where it needs to be. That said I would
want to know this important detail before I spend time reviewing.
Is there a bias against querying
authors who have self-published other books?
Not at all! I
represent two well-known authors both of whom started with self-published
How many queries do you receive in
a week? How many requests might you make out of those?
Best guess
50-80 approximately 10%, it depends on what comes in that week.
Many agents say they don't care if
writers are active online. Could a twitter account or blog presence by a writer
tip the scales in getting a request or offer? And do you require writers
you sign to start one?
Social media is great exposure for writers if
utilized properly, and not for spamming people to death. It is important to have a vehicle for your
marketing efforts. I think if a writer
has a great book written, and they have a strong presence on social media- word
of mouth can help to get a story noticed!
Some writers have asked about
including links to their blogs or manuscript-related artwork. I’m sure it’s not
appropriate to add those links in a query, but are links in an email signature
It is
more than acceptable to include a link with your signature. It is never a good idea to send a query
telling an agent to click on the link to learn more.
What bio should an author
with no publishing credits include?
Your education, and or profession, why you are the
ideal person to write this story and anything that would be relevant to your
writing or chosen genre.
What does ‘just not right mean for
me’ mean to you?
It means that it may not fit my list, or that the
story includes elements that I am not in love with.
What themes are you sick of
Academy Schools- super power or paranormal teens live at school and are
training to save the world.
– guardian and fallen, unless along the lines of City of Angels J
stories –hot guy looking for Alpha
What’s the strangest/funniest
thing you’ve seen in a query?
“I have a story that is going to be huge; it’s going
to make us rich. I am writing exclusively to you and no one else because I
believe that you are the best agent to represent my story.”
This was mass emailed to many agents at the same
What three things are at the top
of your submission wish list?
New Adult
Romance (not historical)
What are some of your favorite
movies or books to give us an idea of your tastes?
Oh No! This may not help you at all!
I don’t like
doing this because my tastes are so eclectic in terms of what I read and watch.
That you cannot really go by this
list. If you have a unique story that
you think I will like and it fits my list, please feel free to query.
This is only a snap shot of what I like:
The Vampire Diaries, Twilight movies (yes I like them), The Lovely
Bones, Grace of my Heart, Seven, The Usual Suspects, Good Will Hunting, As Good
As It Gets, The Truman Show, Meet Joe Black, The Matrix, Ghost, Sleepless in
Seattle, While You Were Sleeping, Bed of Roses, City of Angels, The Butterfly
Affect, If Lucy Fell
Jamie McGuire
Anything Stephen King, James Patterson, Nora
Roberts, Tami Hoag
Book Titles: Beautiful Disaster, To Kill a Mocking
Bird, The Outsiders, Lord of the Flies, Flowers for Algernon, 1984, The Time
Traveller’s Wife, Pride and Prejudice, The Hunger Games

Stacey Donaghy is a strong advocate for her writers.
With over twenty-two years of experience and formal training in Adult Education, Management, and Social Services, Stacey brings a wealth of technical and professional experience to the literary world. As a manager in the field of Education & Training, her roles have included people management, curriculum development, academic editing, marketing, creative design, publishing, proposal writing, contract negotiations and public speaking. Her training includes Principled Negotiation Techniques as it applies to relationships and contracts.
Some of Stacey's first-time and self-published authors are bestsellers.
Stacey is a former agent of the Corvisiero Literary Agency in New York.
With over twenty-two years of experience and formal training in Adult Education, Management, and Social Services, Stacey brings a wealth of technical and professional experience to the literary world. As a manager in the field of Education & Training, her roles have included people management, curriculum development, academic editing, marketing, creative design, publishing, proposal writing, contract negotiations and public speaking. Her training includes Principled Negotiation Techniques as it applies to relationships and contracts.
Some of Stacey's first-time and self-published authors are bestsellers.
Stacey is a former agent of the Corvisiero Literary Agency in New York.
I love your Query Questions posts! Thank you, Michelle. Stacey sounds like a great agent, and I especially liked her exra comment on Twilight. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love learning more about agents; thanks, Michelle, for these ongoing interviews. Maybe I'll consider Stacey for the NA I'm editing!
ReplyDeleteStacey sounds a very interesting agent. If our genres were same, I would have loved to query her.
ReplyDeleteThanks for interviewing Stacey :) I think she's awesome