Saturday, August 29, 2015

Pitchwars Slush Stats and Notes

This is a hard post to do, knowing so many writers will be disappointed with the results on September 2nd. That's one of the reasons I try to stress other parts of contests, such as finding critique partners and learning from the twitter wisdom. Not everyone will reach the agent round, but everyone can benefit.

So let's start with stats. I had about 63 submissions. That can be rounded up to a two percent chance of being picked by me as I didn't request any material that wasn't sent directly to me. I read through all of them by Tuesday night, both query letter and the chapter. In most cases I read the entire chapter to the end. A few times the chapters were unusually long or needed so much work that I stopped early. Out of those 63, a handful were the wrong genre or age category. I still read them as they had my name on them but marked them accordingly.

Eight entries got labelled from the start as material I wanted to see more. I requested fulls from all eight. Eleven got marked as maybe entries. With so many fulls of about 100K words and such talent, I didn't have much time to look deeper at the maybes. In fact I'm still reading from the eight fulls as of Saturday. But I plan to let those people know there was something about their entry that stood out from the crowd.

I would say the query letter got twenty percent of my attention. Query letters can easily be redone. Not so much with the writing and concept. So the first chapter usually determined whether I wanted to see more or not. Sometimes the reason for a no was the writing,--too many grammar/punctuation problems usually also corresponded to flatter characters and less interesting/original dialogue and plot--but often the decision was subjective because the subject or main character just wasn't for me.

I was looking for first chapters that had many layers to them. And by layers I mean depth and accomplishing many goals in the one chapter. It should show: Depth of characters. Writing that showed about the characters. World building that told me something about the society or theme.  Hints or action on the overall plot. An element to make me curious. Something of interest happening.

First chapters should avoid giving information that doesn't add to the plot at that point. Don't bother telling something that won't happen or come up for another three chapters. Don't bother describing something about your character's looks if it doesn't also show their personality. If their hair is pink because they are in a rebellious stage that shows me something about the character. If their hair is brown, it doesn't really mean anything or need to be said in the first pages.

I didn't rule anything out because it needed too much work, but most often those entries would failed to catch my eye. If an entry had problems with tense and grammar, it seemed to be likely that the writer hadn't developed the skills yet to create stand-out characters or unique situations. And that's okay because we are all at different spots in our journey.

Contests are one way to gain that experience, and acquiring critique partners are the best ways to learn about writing. I recommend everyone have readers of various levels of experience to teach you new things. The only way to grow your skills is to write more and never stop learning and that's true of all of us, including Pitchwars mentors.

I know there will be a lot of disappointment next week. I know exactly how that feels. I understand the bitter taste of not getting chosen for a contest. It took me four manuscripts to get an agent. That book was on submission for a year and never sold. It got tons of rejections and those editors weren't limited to taking just one book. It hurts. There was so much pain that had to be hidden and kept inside every day for a year. But you have to use that feeling to keep querying or to write your next book. 

It's sad but true that by the time your book is published and up to the public for review, you need to have a very thick skin. Embrace that graciously, believe in your writing, and your way will be easier.

For my one pick, I plan to go for something that makes me excited to read. That has characters to care about and a unique concept that stands out in a pitch. A story that I love. And most importantly, something I feel I can read over and over without getting tired of it.

Now the hardest part: feedback. I plan to give notes to everyone that I requested more material from. I'm afraid I can't do much for everyone else. Last year I sent a personalized letter to all. This year I have deadlines and a sequel to write.  Also last year, I sent line edits to my requests for their first 50 pages. This year, I won't be able to manage that. I feel badly about that, but I have made a vow to put my writing first this year and putting it aside for two weeks is enough.

I plan to have an afternoon slot on twitter where I will answer any questions about your sub. If you want to know what notes I put on your entry, then contact me by twitter on Thursday, September 3rd after 3:30 pm Eastern and I'll dm you a response.

Feel free to ask me questions. And remember there are other contests coming such as Pitch Slam and Nightmare on Query Street in October.  

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Getting the Call with Chris von Halle

I'm so happy to have Chris here as he was the Grand Champion from the very first Query Kombat that was three years ago! Take it away, Chris!

First of all, I want to say it’s such a huge honor to be on Michelle’s blog – thanks so much for having me, Michelle, and for all that you do for writers!

Anyway, my writing journey (in terms of writing seriously for publication) goes back pretty far—about eight years. It’s embarrassing to say this, but I wrote my first three books in a total vacuum. As in, I didn’t have any critique partners or beta readers, didn’t attend any writing classes/workshops, or read any how-to books on writing, etc. (you can guess how well querying agents/publishers went with those—yeah, not well). Eventually I found some well-known blogs online run by authors and serious writers (like Michelle Hauck’s esteemed blog), so I put some of my material up on them for critique. As you would’ve guessed, it got absolutely torn to shreds.

That’s when I decided to take my writing further and got an MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. I learned a TON from the mentors (published authors) and other fantastic writers/authors I met there.

By the end of the program I ended up with a professional-quality middle-grade science fiction novel, which I queried the heck out of (about 60 queries to literary agents). I ultimately wound up with only one partial request that didn’t go anywhere.

I DID enter a few online writing contests along the way, including a popular one called Query Kombat (co-run by the awesome Michelle Hauck here) and wound up coming in (gasp!) first place. That made me the first Grand Champion of Query Kombat (a.k.a. The Greatest Grand Champion of Query Kombat Ever…just kidding).

I wound up with a few requests off that from a couple agents and a small press, but, again, ultimately nothing panned out.

So I wrote a YA dystopian novel called The Fourth Generation, but as I was finishing it, I kept hearing everywhere on the web that agents and editors weren’t looking for dystopian novels, since it was such a highly saturated market. (Damn you, Veronica Roth and Suzanne Collins, daaaamn yooouu!!!). I still wrote a query letter for it, though (which Michelle herself critiqued for me via her excellent query letter service!), and sent out a handful of queries to agents.

But after hearing nothing but form rejections and crickets from those agents, I decided to shelve that book and wrote an adult humorous superhero novel. While I was researching agents and publishers to query for that book, I happened to randomly come upon Clean Reads (then Astraea Press), which said they were currently looking for YA dystopian. So what did I do? I thought, “Hey, that’s kind of cool,” and kept researching agents and publishers for my superhero book.

            Just kidding—of course not! I sent The Fourth Generation to Clean Reads and that’s how I got my first contract. So the moral of the story? I think there are a few.

            1. Perseverance is very important—keep plugging away and sending out your stuff because you just never know who’s going to say yes.

            2. Don’t give up on a story just because it’s in a saturated market. If you love it and truly believe in it, then keep working on it and sending it out. There will be somebody out there who is looking for it or at least knows what to do with it.

            3. So much of this business has to do with finding the right publisher/agent at the right time. So even if you get rejected (and for most us that will be A LOT, trust me), it does NOT mean that your book stinks or that God decided to give you the least amount of writing ability of all the writers he decided to create.

            4. That being said, it can’t hurt to study up on the craft of writing fiction by reading how-to books, visiting and participating in writing blogs like Michelle’s here, getting your work critiqued by experts and critique partners, getting an MFA in fiction, etc.

            5. Online writing contests like Michelle’s Query Kombat are fantastic opportunities to get your work in front of publishers and agents, but at the end of the day it’s what you learn from them about writing and the publishing industry (not to mention meeting and becoming friends with other serious writers in the process) that are the real values. Despite how well or not well you do in a contest, they are highly subjective by nature—just like querying—and at the end of the day you just never know when you’ll actually wind up landing that agent or publishing contract.

            6. Don’t hesitate to employ Michelle’s editorial service. She does a fantastic job that will assuredly increase your chances in the query/submission trenches. It worked for me!

            7. Booze, chocolate, and stuff of similar nature can help you to weather the writing journey in general.

And without further ado, here is The Fourth Generation, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc…

Buy Links: Amazon, Barnes & Noble Smashwords

In the future, no adults exist. Ever since the plague swept the world 100 years ago, no one has lived past seventeen.

Sixteen-year-old Gorin, a collector of curious artifacts left over from the pre-plague civilization, is on the verge of perishing from that deadly epidemic. And his last wish is to find a way to visit the rulers’ reputedly magnificent, off-limits mansion.

Up against the clock, he and his friend Stausha steal into the mansion and discover a secret more horrifying than they ever could’ve imagined—a secret that holds the key to the survival of the whole human race.

Chris von Halle has had many different lives in many different worlds—the near and distant future Earth, other planets, and even other dimensions—and his books recreate his childhood memories of such outlandish locations.  In this world and life, he lives in Ridgewood, New Jersey, and enjoys such extraordinary activities as playing videogames, tennis, and basketball, and writing the occasional comic strip.

Social Media Links:


Twitter: @ChrisvonHalle

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sad News Concerning Contests

Hi everyone,

As you know I've hosted contests for three years with my co-hosts SC and Mike. We always worked well together and complimented each other wonderfully. We had each other's back, even when we playfully teased each other on who would find the best entries and get the most agent requests. After long and heartbreaking consideration and conversations, Mike and I have asked SC to step down as a co-host of Nightmare on Query Street and Query Kombat.

SC has found a new passion in his Write Inclusively campaign. He's been very outspoken about it on his blog and on social media. It's a wonderful thing that SC has found a cause that speaks to him. It occupies much of his free time.

This is not why we asked him to step down. Ghere for a detailed explanation of our decision.

Mike and I want to continue our main goal of helping ALL writers, not just those who feature the subjects of diversity or racism. Our goal is still to help writers connect with agents and have some fun in the process. Mike and I are no longer sure our objective and SC's are compatible anymore. Nor do we agree with all of SC's methods and rigid stance on bringing attention to this important problem in our society.

While it's true that Mike created Query Kombat and SC did invite me to the team when we were starting out, I think all three of us have now built our own platform that focuses on helping writers in our own ways. I'm sure SC will continue to do just that and I wish him all the luck in the world.

I ask that you support all three of us as we go through this change in our status.Thank you!

Nightmare on Query Street will continue as before with two blogs instead of three in October. Mike and I will seek a new co-host for Query Kombat next year.

We will continue to look for the best entries for our contests and welcome everyone. Diverse writers and manuscripts will always be sought after!

Book Blogger Conversation with Rae Oestreich

I'm excited to start a new series of posts with a group that is under appreciated--book bloggers!

Book bloggers are obviously so important to authors. They give consistent reviews. They open their blogs to us. They are readers and fans! I think we should honor them more.

So this series of interviews was born! Hopefully it will help authors find bloggers and give everyone else a better appreciation of them.

I'm happy to have Rae, who is a writer and book reviewer over at her blog, The Wallflower.

What types of books do you review?

Typically, I review the same books that I attempt to write: YA – any genre. I’m not picky in the slightest; as long as the premise sounds interesting, I’m likely to pick it up and start reading regardless of what’s already in my TBR pile. Although my favorite genres tend to be thrillers, science-fiction, and urban fantasies, I’m a total sucker for a good contemporary/romance when I’m in the right mood.

Do you have any guidelines for authors to follow in contacting you? A link will work.

As a matter of fact, I do! I love getting review requests – guidelines are as simple as emailing me with the premise and asking me if I’d like to review it. The exact guidelines can be found on the “Reviews” page on my blog:

How do you find books to review or do they come to you?

While some of my reviews are requested, most of the books I review are books that I come across and purchase on my own. Normally, they’re books I find out about on Twitter – recommendations from friends or fellow bloggers, a book an author I follow is raving about, or I simply come across it on a book tour or through an email from a bookseller and I buy it on impulse.

What got you into blogging about books?

I started blogging about books at the same time I started blogging about writing. I’m a writer at heart, but writing and reading go hand-in-hand, so I love reading anything I can get my hands on and both enjoying the books and studying the techniques that the authors use to create such memorable plots and characters.

What elements go into a good review and how long does it take to write one?

I think what goes into a good review can differ from book to book, but the reviewer should make sure to point out the specifics of what they liked/disliked, as well as specifics of why (while also being spoiler-free; if a spoiler is necessary, remember to put a disclaimer at the top of your post). My favorite reviews to read are the ones where the reviewer’s personality shines through, where I get a chance to learn a little bit about them while also learning about a new or old book in a way I might not have seen it before. Being passionate and enunciating the different facets of the book that worked/didn’t work make for a good review.

As far as how long it takes to write a review…well, it kind of depends. I find that it’s a lot easier to write about a book that I absolutely loved and can fangirl about, or else one that I kind of severely didn’t like. Those ones might take an hour, tops. The books that fall between, that are simply “okay” but didn’t wow me in one direction or another, might take longer, simply because nothing – good or bad – stood out to me, so maybe I’ll write a few sentences here and there and gather a review over the course of a few hours? One thing’s for sure: if you take notes about things that stand out to you *while* you read, the process of writing the review is a lot faster.

How often do you post reviews?

Typically, I post a book review once a week, on Saturdays. When I happen to have more time and wind up finishing books at a quicker rate, I’ll occasionally double my reviews to twice a week – Tuesdays and Saturdays. So it usually depends on how much time I have, or if I happen to sign up for a review during a blog tour, but the absolute minimum is once a week (it’s like a personal challenge, to keep myself reading even as life erupts into chaos).

What types of things make for an extra special book? The kind you don’t forget?

The best books I’ll claim to have ever read are books that have depth to them. Regardless of their surface action, they’ll have a theme that runs deep – something that’s subtle yet strong enough to make me really think about the novel, the relationships between the characters, and even the repercussions of their actions long after I’ve turned the last page.

Favorite books you’ve reviewed.

Ooh, this is a tough one. What comes to mind right away are THE SCORPIAN RACES, by Maggie Stiefvater; THE WALLS AROUND US, by Nova Ren Suma; VICIOUS and A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC, by V.E. Schwab; and STATION ELEVEN, by Emily St. John Mandel.

Do you prefer kindle or actual books when reading?

I’m neutral. I own a Nook with a fair number of books on it, but I also have a massive collection of physical books. No real preference. 

Give us your best advice for a beginning book blogger. 

If you’re a beginning book blogger, I’d simply say to be reasonable with yourself – read as many books as you can, but don’t overwhelm yourself. Basically, know enough about your personal schedule and lifestyle that you won’t try to take on too many books and reviews at once; it’s much better to have fun with blogging than stressing yourself out over not having enough time in the day!

Thanks so much for having me, Michelle; it was such a blast being here!


Rae is an undergraduate student in New Mexico studying to earn her B.A. in English with an emphasis in Creative Writing. If there’s anything she’s learned while in college, it’s that every author’s writing style is something to be preserved; no two people can tell the same story the same way. Therefore, reading and writing both fascinate her, and while she teaches herself how to edit while preserving the integrity of any manuscript she’s given, she also writes her own short stories and YA novels that she hopes might someday (possibly?) be published.


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Release Day for WISH BOUND

I'm happy to have a release day post for a fellow Pitch Wars mentor! Check out WISH BOUND. 

As a partner at Grimm’s magical Agency, Marissa Locks is used to working odd jobs. But when an evil queen reappears in Kingdom, life becomes too strange to handle…

Even when she’s not starting it, trouble follows Marissa everywhere. First there was the incident with the homicidal Fairy Godmother. Then there was the time she accidentally started Armageddon. But the problems that always seem to arise on Marissa’s birthday take the cake.

This year, her annual bad-luck presents include an army of invading goblins, the resurrection of two vengeful enemies from hell, and the return of the Black Queen, the evil sorceress whose reign of terror still haunts Kingdom and who happens to have claimed Marissa as her servant.

As Marissa’s friends try to save her from the Black Queen’s clutches, Marissa fights to end a bitter war that started before her birth. But her quest for peace is about to bring up some inconvenient truths about her own past—ones that might cost her the happily ever after she’s always dreamed of…

Other books in the Grimm Agency Series:
Grimm Agency #1 - Free Agent

Grimm Agency #1.5 – Soul Ink

Grimm Agency #2 – Armageddon Rules

a Rafflecopter giveaway


A Texas transplant to the Pacific Northwest, JC Nelson lives with a family and a flock of chickens near rainy Seattle.

Media Links for JC Nelson:

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Editing Tip: Compound Adjectives

I might have written about this editing tip before, but I still saw so many mistakes with hyphens in Pitchwars submissions. Here's some advice on how you can comb your manuscript and fix this problem yourself.

A compound adjective is where you have two or more adjectives before a noun and the adjectives modify each other and not the noun. If you're not an English major (like me) that can make you dizzy. So lets do this with examples:

I have two cute dogs. The adjectives are two and cute. What are they talking about? The dogs. Can you switch them around? Not without sounding weird. So no comma and no hyphen between the adjectives. The sentence is correct.

I have a black haired dog. The adjectives are black and haired. What are they talking (modifying) about? Ah. Here's the trick. Black is talking about the hair, not the dog. THUS hyphen! The sentence would correctly be: I have a black-haired dog.

Can you get my little brown notebook? The adjectives are little and brown. They both modify the noun. Typically the rule with colors (like numbers) is not to use a comma between adjectives. This sentence is correct as is.

That is my tiny little dessert. Adjectives are tiny and little. You can switch them around and it still sounds right or is correct. You need a comma between them. That is my tiny, little dessert.

Everyone is crazy about a sharp dressed man. The adjectives are sharp and dressed. And yes sharp refers to dressed, not to the man being sharp. It needs a hyphen. Everyone is crazy about a sharp-dressed man.

He is a well known athlete. You're not saying he is a well athlete, so you need a hyphen here. He is a well-known athlete.

BUT change the sentence. That athlete is well known. And now you have a new ballgame. No hyphen. 

Most of the time, you only hyphenate if the words are adjectives with a noun following.

out-of-the-box thinker
dark-eyed girl
polyester-blend suit
blue-green paint

There is ONE big, glaring exception (because there's always one):

DO NOT hyphenate 'ly words.

She is a highly motivated writer. This would stay the same. No hyphen. 

That is a freakishly short girl. Again, no hyphen.

I like the smell of freshly mowed grass. No hyphen even though freshly modifies mowed.

So there's a short example of when to hyphen compound adjectives. (There are also certain words that are always hyphenated, but it's best you consult a list to find out what those are.) 

Do you have any examples to share from your own writing?  

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Book Blogger Conversation with Riki Cleveland

I'm excited to start a new series of posts with a group that is under appreciated--book bloggers!
Book bloggers are obviously so important to authors. They give consistent reviews. They open their blogs to us. They are readers and fans! I think we should honor them more.

So this series of interviews was born! Hopefully it will help authors find bloggers and give everyone else a better appreciation of them.

Welcome to Riki Cleveland and find out more about her and her blog. Be sure and check out her links at the end of this post

What types of books do you review?

No book goes unloved at Refreshingly Riki! I review everything from middle grade to adult, with a special emphasis on Young Adult literature and adult romance. I’m a sucker for a well-written story, no matter what genre it comes in.

Do you have any guidelines for authors to follow in contacting you? A link will work.

Authors can contact me either by email: RefreshinglyRiki [at], or via my contact form:

Do you post anything besides reviews—such as cover art or giveaways?

I absolutely love participating in author interviews and cover reveals! I typically feature at least one cover reveal per week and host authors for interviews as often as possible.

How do you find books to review or do they come to you?

I review in two ways. First, I review Advance Review Copies provided by various publishers, which is always a really fun thing. It’s amazing to be a part of generating buzz for an upcoming release. I do also review already published books as well, though. My review slate is a good mix of both.

What got you into blogging about books?

I’m a lifelong reader and have always loved talking about books in both a classroom and book club setting, so blogging about books was the next logical step. It’s like a huge book club just waiting to happen!

What elements go into a good review and how long does it take to write one?

I think that it is really important in reviews to be as honest as possible, but at the same time acknowledging that not every book is going to be for every person. When I don’t connect with a book I try to let my readers know why it didn’t work for me, while still acknowledging that it might absolutely work for them. I also believe that book reviews should stay away from spoilers as much as possible!

As for how long it takes to write one- it really depends. I’m known to wax poetic about books I love, so some of my reviews take longer to write than others.

How often do you post reviews?

I feature at least three book reviews per week.
What types of things make for an extra special book? The kind you don’t forget?

The books that stay with me long after reading are the ones that elicit an intense feeling for me. That can be a book that makes me feel fear, like in a good suspense novel, or one that makes me swoon, like in a good romance novel. The ones that I’m not likely to forget always give me heightened emotions of some sort. Bonus points for books that make me cry!

Any marketing tips you’ve noticed work really well for authors?

I think that it is absolutely true that readers love a good giveaway. I’ve noticed a large increase in traffic and participation in promotional posts that feature a giveaway, even if it is for something small like a signed bookmark or postcard. Readers love to have a piece of an author who wrote a book they loved, and giveaways are a wonderful way to provide that.

Favorite books you’ve reviewed.

This is an impossible question! I’ve fallen in love with so many books and their authors through the years! But if I had to choose my favorites, I would have to say that I’ve loved reviewing books that take me out of my comfort zone the most. I’m often guilty of reading prolifically within my comfort zone and steering clear of books that I’m not sure about, but when I’ve given those books a chance, I’ve found that I am inevitably wowed by the novelty and have found new favorites.

Books you are looking forward to in the next year.

Two books that I absolutely cannot wait to read are QUEEN OF SHADOWS by Sarah J. Maas and TRUTHWITCH by Susan Dennard. (Incidentally- I’ve never been much of a fantasy reader, but these authors hooked me, and now their books are at the top of my Must Read list!)

Do you prefer kindle or actual books when reading?

I’m split on this! I read about 50/50 e-books versus paper books. I tend to read most Advance Review Copies on my Kindle since they often come from NetGalley, but I’m a sucker for a beautiful hard copy of a book.

If you could only purchase one book, what would it be?

Ooh- what a good question! If I could only purchase one book to have on my shelves, I would choose Diana Gabaldon’s OUTLANDER. It has everything I love in a book, including compelling lead characters, high action, and an epic romance. Plus, it’s quite long, so it would keep me busy awhile!

What’s your favorite spot to read?

My absolute favorite spot to read is the beach! There is nothing better than being outdoors reading with the sound of crashing waves in the background. But when I cannot be at the beach, I typically read in a recliner!

Give us your best advice for a beginning book blogger. 

My best advice for a beginning book blogger would be to be open to reading new things. Some of my favorite books of all time have come from publishers when I knew nothing about the book in advance and might not have picked it up otherwise. Not only does it expand your horizons as a reader, but it also makes you a better reader in the process!


 Riki has a long-standing love affair with all things books and writing. She indulged her love for all things literary with a degree in English Literature from Arizona State University and holds a certificate in novel writing from the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing. Although she is well past her own teen years, Riki’s reading passion lies with Young Adult literature where she devours books that handle the “firsts” in life. When not reading and writing she can be found yelling at the television while watching sports.


Monday, August 17, 2015

Goodbye Summer

Just a little note to say the blog will probably be somewhat slower for the next two weeks as I ease back to work and drop Boy off at college. I'll be spending all my time not reading Pitchwars subs, crying and watching sad movies. 

There will still be great articles, but maybe fewer in number than usual. Thanks for your support on this. Hope you'll be here when my time eases up. 

And if you ideas for post topics or advice you'd like to see about certain query questions, drop me a comment.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Win Chapter Critiques from Pitchwars Mentors

Obviously, all the Pitchwars mentors are slotted into specific categories and genres. That keeps you from getting help from some great experts. But here is your chance to get help from a mentor you couldn't normally submit to! Everyone can enter once and after that if you help out a mentor by buying or preordering their books, you'll get additional entries from them.

Some of the Pitch Wars mentors, including me, are hosting a chapter-critique Rafflecopter Giveaway! Anyone can enter. It starts at midnight tonight and will run until September 4, 2015! 

Here’s the list of mentors that will participate giving a chapter critique:

Brenda Drake, author of TOUCHING FATE and THIEF OF LIES.
Mónica B. Wagner, author of FROSH: FIRST BLUSH.
Kate Brauning, author of HOW WE FALL.
Emily Martin, author of THE YEAR WE FELL APART.
N.K. Traver, author of DUPLICITY.
Helene Dunbar, author of WHAT REMAINS.
Joy McCullough-Carranza, who’s supporting Laura’s Shovan book, THE LAST FIFTH GRADE OF EMERSON ELEMENTARY.
J.A. Souders, author of RENEGADE~REVELATIONS~REBELLION         
Kelly Siskind, author of CHASING CRAZY.
Trisha Leaver, author of THE SECRETS WE KEEP.
Michelle Hauck, author of GRUDGING: BIRTH OF SAINTS and KINDAR'S CURE.
K.T. Hannah, author of CHAMELEON.
Lee Gjertsen Malone, author of THE LAST BOY AT ST. EDITH'S.
Sarah Nicolas, author of DRAGONS ARE PEOPLE, TOO.
Stacey Trombley, author or NAKED

Here’s how this giveaway will work: you’ll get a free entry just for stopping by and signing in, and if you want to increase your chances, you can support the mentors by buying their books or pre-ordering them. If you want to increase your odds to get a critique from a particular mentor, you can go and buy/preorder said mentor’s book by following the links above. You can buy more than one book, and up your chances in more than one giveaway, too! You might even win a chapter critique by more than one mentor.

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway


 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 a Rafflecopter giveaway

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 a Rafflecopter giveaway

 a Rafflecopter giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


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a Rafflecopter giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  a Rafflecopter giveaway

  a Rafflecopter giveaway

  a Rafflecopter giveaway